I can only really spoil you for the next chapter but red haired bitch outs herself as a dark magician and her and the king are having like this little face off, where they aren’t really fighting but seeing whose dick is bigger with their magic powers. Then it cuts back to pink haired protagonist still being choked by miss dead maid and just as her original, like, japanese soul is leaving her body, that god who is always bitching into her ear like “descends” and begins choking out the maid whilst trying to convince the pink haired protagonist to return to her body before it’s too late. The main characters looks sort of apprehensive but I can’t tell why because the races I read where i’m a language I didn’t really understand all to well.
SPOILERI can only really spoil you for the next chapter but red haired bitch outs herself as a dark magician and her and the king are having like this little face off, where they aren’t really fighting but se... Laana
Okaaaay so please someone or anyone,