The misunderstanding for all who forgot

addicted May 31, 2021 4:12 pm

Dongho and the seme (sorry forgot his name) had a fight cause - without saying something - the seme was meeting up with a sunbae, who messaged him suddenly after years to meet up while Dongho was waiting for him to pick him up, not knowing what was going on cause the seme didn’t answer his massages and calls. The semes handy died and he has to bring the sunbae to bed after he drank to much and passed out. As Dongho meant, he should have informed him before that he goes drinking with an old friend and it would be getting later, the seme didn’t care to explain or the fact he was so late and didn’t understand why he should explain it to him. Treated him like a nuisance, cause he was irritated by the behavior of the sunbae and the thought if the straight sunbae might be interested in him after so long, cause he was so clingy all of a sudden.
Dongho cried very much, cause the seme cares not at all about him although he is his boyfriend and thinks he loves him so much, but isn‘t sure if he gets loved back. He must think about it and left the seme alone, brushing his hand off.

Btw. the sunbae he met was the CRUSH not the ex of the seme! Years ago they were good friends and the sunbae broke off the contact with him, as soon as he heard he was gay.

    Misaqi May 31, 2021 4:26 pm

    thank you for the recap! hoping for *communication* in the next chapter hurhur

    Melody May 31, 2021 4:33 pm

    Ex crush actually
    Seme doesn't like him anymore

    addicted June 1, 2021 3:12 pm
    thank you for the recap! hoping for *communication* in the next chapter hurhur Misaqi

    You‘re welcome, Misaqi! Let‘s hope together!

    addicted June 1, 2021 3:15 pm
    Ex crush actuallySeme doesn't like him anymore Melody

    I thought this was clear enough, because it was years ago. Sorry.