hmm , i think i might can understand and answer you if you answer just 3 questions , ( just for info i kinda consider myself emotionless because for me more like flipping a switch for me )
Were you always like this or just lately ?
When you watched anime did you have same issue in the start ?
Does same issue happen when your in real life with other people ?

I think like that sometimes but it's more like I can't really feel sad or like cry over someone in real life. For example once in my school this guy came and told us of how his friends helped him reunite with his mother who he hasn't seen since he was a baby, they even showed the video. A bunch of people was crying and stuff but for me I wasn't. Also if I see pics of like wounded animals or like dead cats and stuff I would just really pity it and think it kinda of gross. I only really cry over people or pets in like animes and mangas. Is that weird?

Not really , i have 2 answers then for you and both might be true too , first answer will be you had a very bad experience with people and you are smart enough to realize that most put just a masks on theirs faces even might be unconditionally happen like you feel they don't deserve your sympathy for them in this case only rare people could effect you emotionally ( the ones you really care about )
The 2nd answer you got used to watch anime and read manga since quit long your used to how characters express their feelings since it feels like they can show all in their heart content when they feel while in real life people always hide and don't express most of their feelings because they think it would embaress them or weaken their image so always try to act strong , you might realize this fact or not but you more used and enjoy the way in anime or manga they express their feelings even in some way it's fantasy but you can feel connected to to how they express ther feelings which put you at ease and let you feel normal and can express more feelings too while watching anime or reading manga ..
( remember i assume only since i don't know you this well also i don't mean in my words to offend you or anything just to help ) ..

If my 2nd answer is the correct one and you want to change the way your , you have to cut yourself from anime and manga for a while and experience real life as much as possible because their are always someone or some ones you will express your feelings normally with them by time you will have no issue expressing your feelings ..
If my 1st answer the correct one , you need to understand people lie or deceive or put maks on their faces , because they also are scared to show their fragile sides , we all have a very fragile side , they act tough and not scared because they don't want hurt their image infront of others , you will have to accept this fact , because we are humans after all we might act tough or strong hate to lean on others or show weakness , just try to understand this fact , the more you understand the more you will accept others , the more you will feel connected to them and will become natural to express emotions around them ..
Sorry had to post twice , wish also i could be some help , just for info their is a 3rd answer but i don't think , it's the right answer because you cared enough to share your issue , means that you felt it's not normal but the truth is that your care , even it's hard to admit such a things , wish i could help even a little bit : ) ..

You are not weird , smart people at some point they became disconnected from other people because they can't feel real enough with them as i explained either the anime give you more satisfaction in the way anime characters express those feelings or that you already realize the truth behind people from lies and just masks of fake emotions most of the time which made you feel no sympathy for them in a way which made you seem like emotionless because you feel like they don't deserve it , those were my 2 answers
But your not weird , in both answers you are really smart , because you want the real thing also your honest and direct most of the time , which does make you caring and even more human than the ones around you , because you want to feel real

I think the reason might be the second reason because I never had any bad experience like that. I have been watching anime and reading manga for a few years now. Thanks for that. I have a new question, is it weird to not know how to deal with other people's emotions. Like whenever my friends feel sad or down or cry. I just get really awkward cause I don't know what to say. Tried to cheer my friend up once and I what came out of my mouth was something really cheesy and embarrassing

hmm i can't say it's weird had same issue since i never had a childhood i grow up not knowing how to deal with people , in the start i memic expressions of others see actions and reactions making connections between each emotion and reactions or words i should do when someone under some kinda of emotion , started to know by recognize the emotion and how should i deal with it ..
But for you let's see , start 1st by thinking before speaking , if your friend have some issue why not trying to find away to solve it like putting yourself in his/her shoe and think what should be done then telling him/her the answer or try to feel their pain and which words should ease their pain , also doesn't have to be with words just staying with them helps too , or ask them for a walk or something fun , sometimes the most simple acts like just a smile would do the trick to help them , if you said anything you didn't mean just simply say sorry i didn't mean to make a joke or offend you in anyway , apologizing also will help : )

Your welcome , just for info most people which have an issue of expressing their emotions much smarter than others , because the way you see things more scientific process than just dealing with words or emotions , you just need to evolve your reactions , by time it start to get normal but if your smart than even this degree , you will not have this issue but you will have to maintain yourself then because for someone like me i isolated myself from real life one of the reasons i couldn't stop toying by people , reading them became for me as simple as they are just naked from their own flesh and bones and could feel their desires and deep thoughts i used this beside .. well nvm this part ... just let's say the more you start perfecting it in the start will be like an act but by time your real feelings will start to surface , you will not need to act anymore : ) , just my advice start getting outside more , start to see and try to feel people , be social as much as possible will help you , really sorry for long writing but glad also i could be some help : )
Hmm I don't how to put this but I think I'm emotionless, like I don't react like normal people would because I don't have much of a reaction to anything besides anime and manga. But even when I first started reading yaoi and it's sex scenes I didn't have much of a reaction until I got into it. Am I weird?(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜( ̄∇ ̄") ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭