Real God vs Ancient God

Miang May 31, 2021 10:21 am

Can someone please tell me the difference between the both? Since Lavane said along the lines, “if it were the real god you served.... compared to an ancient god....” (chapter 18)

Thank you.

    Berry May 31, 2021 3:58 pm

    I think what he meant by that is that the people of the empire believe and will do anything to serve the heavenly god (ex: Jesus) as he was the one who created everything from the start. But that also means that Lavane was also created by god, and he can only do so much compared the the real god.

    I think that’s what he meant... I’m not sure

    T0620 May 31, 2021 11:30 pm

    I think it is mentioned in previous chapters that the "ancient gods" were actually ancient/evil beings that human considered as gods because they didn't know any better. The real god is probably the actual thing.

    Miang June 2, 2021 1:16 am

    Ooooh thanks. :)) that makes sense.