after chapter 60, absolutely nothing happens that's pertinent to the development of the st...

kurozukou June 21, 2016 9:30 pm

after chapter 60, absolutely nothing happens that's pertinent to the development of the story until chapter 200 or so. it's absolutely disgusting that an author would milk a story that was received well by the public this much just to stay relevant. by chapter 130 i was literally just skimming through the pages reading only panels and chapters with tachibana in them because she was the only character who managed to remain interesting from her first appearance up until the most recent chapter. after a while every chapter basically becomes 15 pages of "i don't like him, i don't like him, oh, i liked him allll alooong" then 5 pages of blushing and raku or maiko getting hit. if it had ended 130 chapters sooner, it might've been an actual story and not just a chronicle of needless events and characters who needed 3 entire years to realize they were in love

    Anonymous June 21, 2016 9:56 pm

    All his other works before this one were cut short and axed so even though its not admirable its understandable that he would drag it out. This is literally his first and only series to last this long and get an anime, a game, and other merchandise. Kind of sad in a way but it shows what the public truly wants (fanservice, moe, harems) for something like this to gain popularity while his other works cut short.