I did not say they like each other but I think whatever he is feeling toward FL is no longer interested because he show signs of like, other than that, he stop her but if the reason is because she is going to die he knows that the result of trying to open the door is bleeding, he could also warned her before hand about what is the possibility of trying to open the door, and he stubbornly tie her hand to cover the wound even though she said its gonna heal, that's what I meant when I said he think she is a helpless being, of course no hard feeling I just thought that he instinctively cover her wound because he like (or you like to call it interested) her and he thought her as weak and getting ahead of himself
(● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Oky I dislike the ML because he actually getting ahead of himself if he really like MC you should really not think of her as a helpless being she is more powerful and strong than you thought and for him to restrict everything she does is making me mad, or maybe I'm just curious if putting a blood on the plate is gonna work (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜