Crazy theory here

Buying soy sauce May 31, 2021 1:28 am

I think the seme killed his own brother that's why he didn't want want the investigation to be opened again and wasn't interested in whatever the uke had to say.
And now he wants to assess how much does the uke knows

    Fetish Love May 31, 2021 2:00 am

    ooh~ loving that theory but not for this story specifically - i don't think it'd work , cuz the police would (or SHOULD) get very suspicious of him, doubt his alibi/statement and interrogate him more, look into that very possibility and if there was a chance that he was a suspect, they'd say/it'd be mentioned in the story at some point that he's not cleared of fault.

    [did i make sense?]

    although, like i said, i would LOVE to see that idea used brilliantly in another story with a similar theme of unsolved murder of a loved one, key witness with unusual demands, sexytimes with the authority involved/in charge of the case.