heck yeah

Kirrica May 30, 2021 11:31 pm

This manga rules. Good story, interesting characters that makes you want to analyze them. just bunch of BADASS people all around, I love it. And I'm glad the romance is so shit lol. Badass yakuza people don't need flowery rainbowy romance.
also, I'm veeeeery impressed by the translator from the earlier chapters. I miss that person translating. They were so thorough to explain the yakuza world, that i actually have a feeling I finally understand it now. also, the japanese culture too. it made my reading more enjoyable with their explanations.

to wrap up... I'm no gay, but that photo of Yoshino slurping noodles in her bikini is just delectable ヾ(☆▽☆) I'm self proclaimed Yoshino simp
