I stopped reading this a few chapters in when the white hair dude knowingly impregnates th...

Ryomoku Min May 30, 2021 11:10 pm

I stopped reading this a few chapters in when the white hair dude knowingly impregnates the blond dude without him knowing or consenting to it and then saying he did it by mistake and acting like it's a heathy relationship ://

    sakuramiko12 May 30, 2021 11:40 pm

    Ah, you're one of those. Then this ain't the story for you buddy. The majority of us have no issue with these types of situations in fictional stories. We tend to not bring real world morals into f.i.c.t.i.o.n. But you are entitled to your opinions, I just find your thought process funny

    Ryomoku Min May 31, 2021 2:29 pm
    Ah, you're one of those. Then this ain't the story for you buddy. The majority of us have no issue with these types of situations in fictional stories. We tend to not bring real world morals into f.i.c.t.i.o.n.... sakuramiko12

    yes I am one of those people because the description doesn't say anything about non consensual pregnancy :// I have no problem when fiction is problematic and will even read some but only when they are labeled as so on their description. Since you respected my opinions I will respect yours too, but don't come being passive aggressive under my comments when I am also just expressing my opinion. Have a lovely day :)