I literally have no problem with NCS in stories when it serves a point regarding to plot or anything else.
The problem is when it's submitted under the guise of being a 'healthy' or 'acceptable' relationship and the reason I made my comments was because others were reacting with hostility towards others who were giving this poor reviews.
It's unfortunate if you took offense to the fact that I was addressing the harmful reactions people had to OTHERS 'just stating their opinion.' but I'm not sorry that someone got called out for their behaviour.
So go ahead and flame and attack me, but I'm tired of others acting nasty to others and not getting called out on it and I said. What I said. For a reason.

I'm allowed to have a review just like anyone else. And I am sick of people trying to tear down others for their opinion and not getting called out.
The entire idea that everyone is upset with me because I chose to point out that someone else had a problem with people's opinions is hypocrisy in and of itself. So you think whatever you want and I'm allowed to think whatever I want. And on a social forum we can both express our opinion. And I did. And I won't recant.

Hypocrite? I hope you understood what you wrote in your original comment and your slander against those who defended the manga. We’re also sick of you trying to tear down others, so we’re calling you out :) Opinions and warnings in reviews are welcome! Calling fellow readers immature and immoral are not.
I feel like there's a word for this.. frappe.... Grape.... Oh right.
didn't even finish chapter 2.
The bottom was literally sobbing and the top called him fussy and girly.
If you like NCS and straight up rape, this is for you, but otherwise it's trash and glorifying this is so harmful. Anyone defending this clearly has issues with consent.
"It's just a mangaaa" love stories we read shape who we become as lovers and if this doesn't phase you, it says alot about your maturity and/or morals.