Niannian divorces him..yansheng said he wouldnt divorce niannian but then niannian put a knife to his own throat and threatened to kill himself if yansheng didnt sign the divorce papers...omg my baby nian has had enough of yansheng after nian got kidnapped because of tht bitch luoan...when they asked niannian id he wanted to tell yansheng tht he was the oneto save him and it wasnt luoan niannian said..no i wsnt him to suffer and live the rest of his life in a lie..niannian hates yanshengs guts now...the charecter development..even when yansheng told niannian he loved him nian said so wht and pushed him away. I ship tang shuo x wen niannian hard..im not done reading the webnovel yet...yansheng is getting charecter development but i still hate him
Order someone to kill yansheng and that bitch...omg I really want my dear niannian to attain freedom and happiness