ive seen people ship Izuku with All might (Boku no Hero Academia). Literally Gon (from Hunter x Hunter) and Hisoka are one of the biggest fictional ships in the Hunter x Hunter fandom and Gon was like 11 when they started shipping him with Hisoka (Who looks like he's at least 20 years). If you think gojo being 28 and yuuyi being 15 matters, you ain't seen anything

I once talked with a lawyer about the ships with age difference and rape in fiction. She said that reading fiction about it doesn't make you either be pedophile or rapist neither you support them. She clearly said that ppl who evolve fiction with reality are stupid. It's understandable that some ships may be disturbing but fiction and reality are two different things

If it's fictional characters i don't see something wrong, cause this shit happen in real life and at least in my country most of the times they let it slide... even years ago ppl would send their 14-16 year old daughters for marriage (an example of reality) back then no one said something about age, some countries do it too. I understand why it bugs you but some ships are acceptable some are not. Not all ppl see the situations the same way or think the same way. And trust me I've come across with a lot of ppl that they were in middle school, I REPEAT middle school and they dated AND fucked with 25 age guys.idk if it's just me but seeing it in my everyday life doesn't really bug me in fiction. I don't support it in real life but there's nothing i can do if it is consensual between them

lmao. If i read horror does it mean I like murders killing of characters? Omfg
You can’t correlate fiction with reality to that extent.
Also gojo is hot, yuuji is cute, the dynamic is good between them and I wanna see them fuck. It ain’t that deep lmao. They’re lines on paper, they don’t exist. You can’t read everything by bringing your morals in. Have u ever done lit. analysis? Lit. Research papers in highscchol/secondary school yet ?
In real life it’s a complete different thing, they’re real people, they exist in reality not some lines on paper, ofc it’s a problem. If ur such an advocate why don’t you donate or help really victims rather than displaying this fake moral righteousness you pretend to have.

no cause what you just said is disgusting "gojo is hot and yuuji is cute the dynamic is good between them and I wanna see them fuck" that right there is supporting pedophilia and it's gross just cause its fiction doesn't mean that its not pedophilia and that fact that you like is is absolutely disgusting
yall do know that Gojo is 28 and Yuuji is 15 right? ......