It’s on someone’s amino account so you kinda gotta scroll through their feed for each separate chapter*a74z0w*_ga*YW1wLTdBRXhtVTZvMEJCSU5aV0Z1MmlHQkotWjBMdDJEcEtROHV2cUFzckFRUU5DUkNDc0o1UUJodGp5emhqREt5N2M.
Y’all major spoiler
I saw the raws and like buckingham finds out about Henry, Richard gets preggers, wants to not have the child and buckingham wants it so he kidnaps Richard and they just break it off so now buckingham rebels against Richard and they have a war or smth then later on buckingham gets executed by Richard which is in chapter 71 and I cried so hard