So long hair brother is not FL biological brother but bitch queen's biological son? Where ...

FairyGodMother May 30, 2021 10:30 am

So long hair brother is not FL biological brother but bitch queen's biological son? Where did he get his looks from?

    Listmaker May 30, 2021 11:15 am

    Oh I assumed he's her half brother? :0 I mean the king wouldn't take a wife that had three children of her own already aren't they her half siblings from her stepmom?

    Listmaker May 30, 2021 11:19 am
    Oh I assumed he's her half brother? :0 I mean the king wouldn't take a wife that had three children of her own already aren't they her half siblings from her stepmom? Listmaker

    oH forgot, she looks very similair to her mother, it's strange how much he looks like her bio mom idd >:0 but they'd at least still be half siblings I think, how he has the same hair- and eye colour from her mother's side is odd though