I feel the same away #-.-) someone once gave my number out without my permission and he was saying that he knew me but in reality i didn't know him and he started to send me dick picks so i went on online and googled dick picks and i sent those to him to see how he felt about it lol then i started to compare his penis with the ones i sent him and told him his was shaped weird and the ones i sent him was much better then he blocked me so i got a few friends gave his number to them and one of them was gay and he gave it to some of his gay friends and what i heard is that he had to change his number cuz he was getting to many dick pics from strangers lol moral of the story is don't text me if i don't know you

Omg you are so right. I'm more of texting though sometimes even texting is hard for me. Lol I'm just so lazy.
Also, I stopped answering unknown numbers when someone tried to prank me and pretended to be someone (auntie, or any relatives that I'm not familiar with) and then it turns out to be just my friend. If it's urgent then they will call many times and leave a text, but I really hate it when I suddenly got a call with unfamiliar number. Good thing none of my friends are doing that prank anymore.

Friends pranking me like that deserves a block hahahahaha but yeah, I’ll appreciate it more if you’ll just leave a message before calling or whatnot. I feel like you’re putting me on the spot if you call me without telling me what the call is about. Or better yet, if real time talk isn’t needed, just text what you want to say hahaha
But tbh, I find it rude as well when people give away my number without my permission or any kind of heads up. Even if its for a friend or whoever. Plus, if I receive a call straight off the bat from an unknown number, my introvert ass gets anxiety attacks. Please atleast text me first and introduce yourself, yeah?