Problemssss tw: includes talking about r*pe

Deaaan May 29, 2021 1:06 pm

Oof I have a lot of problems with this story. First of all, this not how actual bdsm is, I repeat, THIS IS NOT HOW BDSM IS. Consent and aftercare is very very important.
I’m not gonna lie I didn’t hate the MC but she was very toxic, manipulative and constantly raped/performed acts without proper consent. She needs therapy more than a new sub.
Nothing could redeem the professor’s (forgot his name sorry) actions for me. He was emotionally abusive towards the mc throughout their “relationship” (not to forget physically abusive). Do I think him being raped repeatedly was deserving? NO. No one deserves to be raped.
The main male lead: boyyyyyy, you don’t fall in love and be willing to do whatever the person who popped your cherry says. He was such a one-dimensional character, no matter what the mc did he crawled back to her with the “I’m in love you” excuse. Like I expected some growth, some character development to see him grow enough to be like no this isn’t how people should be treated buuut nooooo.
The male “master” was a shiity person as well. I feel like my thoughts through this whole story was RAPE IS NOT OKAY. People deal with the own trauma in various ways but that doesn’t make it okay to physical abuse and rape people because of it.
Actual doms are not like this and should not be like this. I get that this fiction but it’s basically advertising bdsm as just sadistic acts that bring pain and suffering to people without any consent.

I was looking forward to reading this just on the mere hope that it’ll be a good representation of bdsm and dom/sub relationships maybe with a good love triangle, but no I was slapped in the face with rape after rape after rape. I continued to read it just hoping that it could somehow redeem itself but naaah. Also silence is not consent nor is coerced consent.

    Anonymous May 29, 2021 8:34 pm


    Anonymous May 29, 2021 8:35 pm

    When was he physically abusive towards her?

    Anonymous May 29, 2021 8:38 pm

    Ok so for you Doona needs therapy and you didn't hate her but the the jerk's actions are not redeemable. Sounds logical.

    Deaaan May 30, 2021 5:06 am
    When was he physically abusive towards her? @Anonymous

    I don’t remember which chapters but he did slap her on different occasions, you know when she did her whole “talking back” thing, it was more towards the middle I think

    Deaaan May 30, 2021 5:10 am
    Ok so for you Doona needs therapy and you didn't hate her but the the jerk's actions are not redeemable. Sounds logical. @Anonymous

    I didn’t say doona’s a good person or redeemable either, she didn’t deserve a happy ending. I just said, personally, the “jerk’s” actions aren’t redeemable Bc of personal experience with someone like him.
    Again this just my opinion.

    Anonymous May 30, 2021 8:37 am
    I don’t remember which chapters but he did slap her on different occasions, you know when she did her whole “talking back” thing, it was more towards the middle I think Deaaan

    No sorry he didn't slap her on different occasions, he slapped her ONCE in the whole story

    Anonymous May 30, 2021 8:38 am
    I don’t remember which chapters but he did slap her on different occasions, you know when she did her whole “talking back” thing, it was more towards the middle I think Deaaan

    And then she beated him so much he nearly vomited.
    If we counted the times she beated him. That would be countless.

    Anonymous May 30, 2021 8:41 am
    I didn’t say doona’s a good person or redeemable either, she didn’t deserve a happy ending. I just said, personally, the “jerk’s” actions aren’t redeemable Bc of personal experience with someone l... Deaaan

    I didn't say you say she is a good person but I think you don't treat them equally. Because Doona for sure doesn't have redeeming qualities. At least our jerk admitted to his mistakes so he understood his misdeeds.

    Deaaan May 30, 2021 2:56 pm
    I didn't say you say she is a good person but I think you don't treat them equally. Because Doona for sure doesn't have redeeming qualities. At least our jerk admitted to his mistakes so he understood his misde... @Anonymous

    Yah honestly you’re right I’m not looking at their actions equally, but like I said before it’s due to PERSONAL experience, his character brings up bad memories for me. And yes it’s great he acknowledged his wrongs buuut that doesn’t fix everything, I’m happy that he had a lil growth though.

    Deaaan May 30, 2021 2:58 pm
    No sorry he didn't slap her on different occasions, he slapped her ONCE in the whole story @Anonymous

    Sorry, I thought it was twice, my bad.

    Deaaan May 30, 2021 3:03 pm
    And then she beated him so much he nearly vomited.If we counted the times she beated him. That would be countless. @Anonymous

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. They’re both in the wrong, her more than him, but weighing them doesn’t make it okay for either one. (Not that you said it was okay).