No character redemption here. Disappointing

Kittencaboodle May 29, 2021 2:39 am

I read this knowing it would be a story of human trafficking. I was interested in seeing if there was a way that the author could create something believably romantic from something so hateful. Sadly, it didn’t achieve redemption for me. While the vile father selling off his son was a loathsome thing to do and upsetting to read about, I accepted that as a plot contrivance that had the protagonist omega undergoing an extreme situation where we could be rightfully supportive as readers. That was achieved to a degree. But when it became clear that Shion (beta), his trainer who prepared omegas for being sold like a commodity, was to be the romantic interest... my hopes were dashed for this story.

I realise that we were meant to feel some empathy for Shion for his losses that led him to be a human trafficker, but no. He took such joy in getting to sexually train omegas to be sold, and it stuck in my mind how many times he was part of the system that ruined the lives and dreams of omega who sought love and their own lives. Just to be felt up at private showings by alpha and either sold off or sent to the brothel downstairs. A character like that is beyond redemption, or at least the mangaka failed to make him likeable in my eyes.

It would have been better to have the childhood friend come to the rescue and not be a selfish dîck who, by his deliberate inaction, let his childhood friend and desired bride, be sold off to be sexually trained and touched by random strangers. He was a creep too.

Just..disappointing all around. From the pushover omega who just accepted his fate and passively let anyone do anything to him (there were a couple of times Shion scared him by making him feel good and he pushed away, but he was really either passive or being sexy or sending shining smiles like wtf!?), to the seme beta who loved profiting off treating vulnerable omega like Bitcoin. Bleh. So much could have been done in a story like this, and sure it’s a happy ending, but it just didn’t hit the mark for me.

    mike June 22, 2021 8:05 am

    Agreed with you, i dont like the fact that the father sold him and they are from rich family

    Fox spirit November 25, 2023 4:50 am

    Well said!! I was hoping it was going to be his classmate but making the guy who was involved in human trafficking and trained the omegas to be sold his romantic pair was too much