Yeah, I happy for a moment bc I thought they were getting a strong female role model for their time at the palace since most, if not all, of the (Royal?) Alchemist Masters that that the MC had been in contact with have all been guys, but that feeling quickly died and went to me wanting to get my squirt bottle out to spray her with water, bc this isn't how proper people act, especially professionals like you mentioned
(ʘ‿ʘ❀)”Is she about to do what I think she's going to do?”
(ʘ‿ʘ)ノ❀”Hold my flower” (❀\(。-_-。) )

Deadass like why is she there if she ain’t gonna work ( ̄へ ̄)This ain’t a playground, it’s the palace ma’am. And I’m sure the youngest alchemist master in history ain’t gonna favor your childish behavior. Literally gonna make him hate you LOL I think they need to add a new section to their royal exam cuz clearly some employees aren’t up to par...

Seriously, like I even hoped maybe she was jealous that he took such a short amount of time to stop being an apprentice and go to master, and her being his girlfriend/friend made her feel threatened that the MC would be the same way (she also even got a perfect score which is unheard of and I'm curious what Arnold got on his entrance exam, because while we heard he got the highest grade in his group they never mentioned what exactly it was though I think if it was a perfect score they would have mentioned that back then). And while I was getting irritated by the chance of Linda being like this, sometimes in other mangas when they use this trope half the time they end up becoming friends and helping each other.
However, with the way she did a 180 after she learned Laura wasn't actually Arnold's girlfriend, I'm getting ready to just yeet her off a cliff that is the plot to this story, because if she is going to be like this and not act like professional or even as another competing student at this school, then why is she even here, this isn't the Bachelor and even if Laura isn't his girlfriend, the fact that he has probably been talking about her enough or whatever to make everyone think that she is should be a good indicator that he isn't interested.
Eh I really hope this woman isn’t gonna be the whole “oh? You’re close to my crush? Guess I must hate you and torture you for no real reason” like ma’am please just do your job. You’re a professional.