I cant be the only one who didnt see the romance here that people are talking about. The w...

amayaGHOST May 28, 2021 8:50 pm

I cant be the only one who didnt see the romance here that people are talking about. The way I see it, it seemed that they said something embarassing and its making them feel awkward. I dont know, maybe.

    Nikai Le Blanc May 29, 2021 8:29 am


    froggy May 29, 2021 10:49 am

    IKRRRR people are taking it the wrong way kick me if im wrong and they do date but i dont they that how either of them ment it they both hide there feelings to protect there loved ones so to be honest like that proly embaressed them both plus the girl who like jiwoo just became a offical part of there friend group and i think i remember the clan leader noona blushing at kayden once

    froggy May 29, 2021 10:50 am
    IKRRRR people are taking it the wrong way kick me if im wrong and they do date but i dont they that how either of them ment it they both hide there feelings to protect there loved ones so to be honest like that... froggy

    sorry for the broken english my computer is doing a weird thing