I get why Seth doesn't want the truth to get out, but he NEEDS people to know, so that the...

broadwaystar May 28, 2021 7:14 pm

I get why Seth doesn't want the truth to get out, but he NEEDS people to know, so that they can help him heal AND protect him from Osiris. His wife needs to learn that the man she had an affair with tried to KILL her son and RAPED her husband, all while USING her.

And I get why people say Ra is hot, but honestly, she just scares me in so many ways.

    Chou May 28, 2021 7:30 pm

    powerful women who invoke fear and demand the attention of everyone in the room just by being there are hot, idk what to tell you

    arna_unnie May 28, 2021 9:21 pm
    powerful women who invoke fear and demand the attention of everyone in the room just by being there are hot, idk what to tell you Chou

    Yep! and love her beliefs on marriage! she doesn't recognize gender!what's there not to love

    broadwaystar May 29, 2021 3:05 am

    I accept all of your valid points. I will admire her from afar... Very afar...