
Fan.ghorl May 28, 2021 4:04 pm

Its good but didnt exceed my expectations (based from how positive the comments are). I just wanna comment on how confused the seme must be, when the uke suddenly started acting like that, i mean they were so happy just a while ago. I bet the seme didnt even think about something like that, well but in the end the uke's feelings are valid but what he did was certainly dumb (the part where he just ended their relationship ubruptly, it was a selfish move for sure.) Good read tho,will also recommend.

    UwU_FluffBall_UwU May 31, 2021 3:54 pm

    The uke has many reasons for ending the relationship such as fearing that he will become a wall to the seme's future, and more importantly, the uke was disowned by his own family, thus I get his decision of abruptly ending it.

    However, I know that if the seme didn't get an amnesia, Im sure he wont accept the abrupt decision of the uke and he will try to get back the uke, its just he was on amnesia.

    FIFI June 11, 2021 5:58 am
    The uke has many reasons for ending the relationship such as fearing that he will become a wall to the seme's future, and more importantly, the uke was disowned by his own family, thus I get his decision of abr... UwU_FluffBall_UwU

    I get that you may not like this... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're either straight, or you live in a accepting country, with accepting people surrounding you, so you can be yourself without the fear of ending up a pariah, so it's understandable that you think the black haired guy's decision is dumb, irrational or somehow selfish.

    However, as a queer Latin American, you could say my highly religious family would not be happy to have a gay kid. When my dad found out I had a crush on a person my gender, he gave me two options, repent and change my "aborrecent" ways or leave the house for good and never contact any family member again. I was 14. I'm in the closet again and putting up a highly convincing straight act, I'm 17, and have a 4 year old little sister that I love with all my heart, I couldn't bear to leave her. I identify as polysexual, mostly known as bisexuality, but there are more sexualities in the polysexual term, in the end, I'm a attracted to more than one gender.

    And the person I've loved for most my life is also polysexual, more specifically pansexual, and I know, I'm young, but when your love threatens you to leave you homeless and rejected by society, you grow fast. I had to lie to said person and break every contact, I don't want them to go through life having to calculate their every move. I want them to find a lover who will be able to give them kids, and who will be liked by their family. Someone they can legally marry. Someone who will not get them hurt. And it hurts a lot. I could be selfish and end up keeping the person to myself for my own happiness, I don't, because they may hurt a little now that I'm not longer with them, but at the end of the day, they will be happier with someone else than with me. And I'm willing to make the sacrifice.

    SO, yeah, the manga may be cliché, but it's cliché for a reason... The whole "You're gonna be happier with someone who can give you what you deserve" is typical because it happens in the life of queer people a lot. And I like it very much...

    FluffBall_26 June 11, 2021 8:29 am
    I get that you may not like this... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're either straight, or you live in a accepting country, with accepting people surrounding you, so you can be yourself without the fear... FIFI

    I dont know if you are pertaining to my comment? because what your comment said is also what Im saying

    Im gay btw, Im just also stating some reasons why the uke (for me) isnt dumb. But, Im not fighting or arguing with the original topic, cause Im just explaining some of my opinion.

    Im just here with purpose of telling the original topic poster <Fan.ghorl> my reason why I dont think the uke is dumb.

    FIFI June 11, 2021 11:59 pm
    I dont know if you are pertaining to my comment? because what your comment said is also what Im saying Im gay btw, Im just also stating some reasons why the uke (for me) isnt dumb. But, Im not fighting or argui... FluffBall_26

    Yeah, baby, sorry, I meant to reply to the original comic... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    ciago June 14, 2021 4:41 am
    I get that you may not like this... I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're either straight, or you live in a accepting country, with accepting people surrounding you, so you can be yourself without the fear... FIFI

    nothing but facts. i'm also a closeted bisexual from an extremely religious family. sometimes i hate myself for thinking how i could just escape from my struggles by just dating the opposite gender because i have a "choice" as a bisexual. it's pretty stressful to think about what would happen once i come out tbh. honestly unless you're under the situation yourself and in that kind of society, it's hard to understand how difficult it really is.