No, i personally hated ks, as a fan of gore/horror, the characters were dry and predictable, i personally, rooted for nobody.
The ending was ridiculous, and rushed.
If you’re looking for something similar, everything by Nishin is really good:

If you can stomach r*pe, kidnapping and toxic/unhealthy relationships, and can appropriately draw the line between fiction and reality (and you're +18) then go for it. It's BE (bad ending) but it's hot, angsty and thrilling. It's meant to be sad and fucked up but sexy.
As long as you're mature enough to understand that the author, other readers and most importantly yourself, do not condone the practice of this type of behaviours or relationships IN REAL LIFE then give it a try.
Worth the read ? I’ve heard lots of mixed opinions about it but I never got around to reading it.