I hate when uploaders have random drama💀💀like respectfully we do not give af. I just...

Cum May 28, 2021 2:23 pm

I hate when uploaders have random dramalike respectfully we do not give af. I just want my damn chapters.

    Wafuru May 28, 2021 3:11 pm

    Lmao at least be thankful. They have their personal circumstances, and even making time and effort for us readers and that's what you say when you're just a free reader as well—if you want your damn chapters then go to the official site and buy them.

    Psychodaria May 28, 2021 6:26 pm

    Yes I wish scan teams didn't act like squabbling children all the time

    Cum May 28, 2021 11:51 pm
    Lmao at least be thankful. They have their personal circumstances, and even making time and effort for us readers and that's what you say when you're just a free reader as well—if you want your damn chapters ... Wafuru

    Girl I didn’t say I wasn’t stfu.I was just sayin like go sort that out in the dms or something instead of being all messy. Go somewhere

    Utopiarry May 29, 2021 1:10 am

    And here you are causing an uproar and complaining about it, can you just keep your opinion? Like respectfully, they/we do not give a fuck about your opinion.

    Utopiarry May 29, 2021 1:12 am

    Just be thankful that they're making an effort uploading chapters, you're just reading it for free anyway, let them do what they want, and mind you, their are still people who cares about it.

    Cum May 29, 2021 3:19 am
    And here you are causing an uproar and complaining about it, can you just keep your opinion? Like respectfully, they/we do not give a fuck about your opinion. Utopiarry

    Girl stfu

    Utopiarry May 29, 2021 2:08 pm
    Girl stfu Cum
