For those people who love this manga like me and want to know the ending. Shurei died a ye...

Ali June 16, 2016 10:13 am

For those people who love this manga like me and want to know the ending. Shurei died a year after her married to Ryuuki and exactly when she gave birth to their daughter (the next queen in Saiunkoku). But before that, Shurei fell in a long sleep and that was the time when Ryuuki messed up his life and the castle. There was a battle between all the characters, too. Before the war start, shurei woke up and sided to Ryuuki. After the battle Shurei shot by an arrow but was saved by the life force by Sakujun. Her life prolonged a little. Ryuuki proposed to Shurei but she rejected him. They do something to clean up Saiunkoku and Shurei became a popular officials and also that time Ryuuki reign again (because he somewhat lost his throne back then). In his era, Saiunkoku became clean and peaceful, he proposed again to Shurei and this time Shurei gave up his status and married Ryuuki, but unfortunately she died a year after it. Ryuuki gave his throne to Riou? (I forgot the name) but Riou gave it to their daughter. That daughter resembles so much of Shurei and later on She became queen over years.

    JackofSpade May 20, 2017 7:23 pm

    that sucks.... like really sucks.... what was all that struggle for if the author's gonna kill her at the end...