I don't like the ml he still thinks of her as just an omega but I don't much like the fl e...

Mangaorian2000 May 28, 2021 3:23 am

I don't like the ml he still thinks of her as just an omega but I don't much like the fl either she says that she wants to find someone to love but still kisses the ml and doesn't struggle or reject the ml advances and then she tells the other ml that she won't forgive him if he kisses her

Or maybe I'm just very disappointed that it didn't go the way I expected or wanted it to when I read the first 3 chapters I expected her to be more strong willed and at the moment I think the only character who is going to get any character development is the ml when he stops treating her as a tool and stop treating others like garbage

    Lizan May 28, 2021 5:05 pm

    Exactly the ML is a disgusting and He doesn't have any emotions. I'm disappointed too because FL is so weak.

    leenuhxox May 28, 2021 6:51 pm

    That's why I'm frustrated for her because she wants to find somebody who will love her as herself but is taking in his advances nor denying it. The ml only using her since she's an omega. Does she not understand that either?