Eli May 27, 2021 10:33 pm

Yansheng is selfish, after he realized his feelings for niannan he keeps on bothering him and even harassed niannan.(they already divorce at this time) He didn't even think about what he did to niannan in the past. He only wants to get what he wants and he didn't even properly end his relationship with his disgusting slut when he started stalking niannan. Yansheng really disgust me.

    May 27, 2021 11:02 pm

    Yeh I read the novel and if you think you hate him now you’re going to hate him even more the more this goes on you’ll just keep reaching a new level of hate for him

    Emery May 27, 2021 11:06 pm

    That’s one of the main reasons why I hated his “character development”. Niannian didn’t even get a chance to recover physically, mentally and emotionally and Yansheng just still wouldn’t stop harassing him even after finding out the truth about everything.

    Eli May 27, 2021 11:12 pm
    Yeh I read the novel and if you think you hate him now you’re going to hate him even more the more this goes on you’ll just keep reaching a new level of hate for him

    I finished the novel and I'm disappointed that the author didn't show more of tangshuo's effort for niannan. The author only focused on what yansheng did to win niannan again. I feel really bad for tangshou.

    Eli May 27, 2021 11:24 pm
    That’s one of the main reasons why I hated his “character development”. Niannian didn’t even get a chance to recover physically, mentally and emotionally and Yansheng just still wouldn’t stop harassin... Emery

    Niannan deserves better, I'm really disappointed when he chose yansheng again. Yansheng did change but I don't think he deserves the second chance.

    mikrokoseookk May 27, 2021 11:32 pm

    You have the link?

    Eli May 27, 2021 11:36 pm
    You have the link? mikrokoseookk
    This is MTL so open this link using chrome to translate

    mikrokoseookk May 27, 2021 11:40 pm is MTL so open this link using chrome to translate Eli

    Ohh okay thanks

    Emery May 27, 2021 11:49 pm
    Niannan deserves better, I'm really disappointed when he chose yansheng again. Yansheng did change but I don't think he deserves the second chance. Eli

    He did change but I just hated how overbearing he was and didn’t give Niannian a real chance to heal even when he knew how emotionally unstable Niannian was from all of the trauma he suffered. I def agree with you, he did not deserve a second chance.