Dont like her but i cant dislike her

How to donate fats May 27, 2021 5:50 am

Cant like that swordsman girl. But cant dislike her too much cuz she atleast saved him from being kicked out or smthn. The dragon was legit about to give it to them for free but she just had to come charging in causing the big fight. And their reaction when they learned he was the one who defeated the dragon was like not the reaction I expected because he was the one who saved thats guys daughter like wtf

    Kirgya June 3, 2021 6:49 am

    Agree like, dude he f saved your daughter you know?! At least appreciate his skills and be grateful that he decided to save her at least...

    Jello June 3, 2021 6:58 pm
    Agree like, dude he f saved your daughter you know?! At least appreciate his skills and be grateful that he decided to save her at least... Kirgya

    Yea and he did the worst thing he could had done. HE LEGIT DEFEATED A DRAGON what couldve happened if they got on his bad side. POOF whole manor gone like the flash

    whatsthedifference July 17, 2021 5:11 am

    like how could she not tell the dragon was friendly. like that was a huge amount of time they just sat there woofing and growling at each other. like obvi they became friends. is she dumb? I hate her