y'all are gonna hate me

Cassie May 27, 2021 12:31 am

But y'all know mujin let choa get raped right? like he had the option to go back, and he definitely wasn't far enough away that it would take him that long so that he only got there after choa was raped. Just because he didn't want that red haired bitch to tell choa about his past, he CHOSE to not save choa from being raped by him. for real everyone except choa can just go die.

    sunassplif May 27, 2021 12:55 am

    that's what I was thinking that he knew what redhead was doing to him all along but I also feel like he didn't?? I wish we knew for sure because I want to like mujin but that was for sure sus that he took that long to get back knowing damn well it wasn't needed