
amskyy May 26, 2021 10:40 pm

This was a nice read and based on the interview at the end, the couple seems to have a sweet relationship with each other (◕‿◕)♡ Although, I still find the "straight x gay" storyline in mangas somewhat uncomfortable since that can lead to beliefs of being able to change someone who's gay and the erasure of bisexuality/pansexuality. I think Nanjou(seme) is under the pansexual spectrum but as he grew up in a conservative society and with heterosexuality as the norm, LGBTQ+ knowledge/awareness is lacking (and this goes for all of the straight x gay storylines in mangas but I felt like I have to particularly type this one out since the manga is based on a real story).

    biscuits June 1, 2021 11:10 pm

    I think people need to accept sexuality is a spectrum and is different for everyone. I’m a lesbian. And I have been with a woman that’s identified as straight and still does. I wouldn’t forget the label bisexual or pansexual onto her. It’s her sexuality - and she feels straight suits her best. But she still was interested in a woman once (me). I don’t understand why people get so worked up about straight x gay in storylines, as if it’s sooo unrealistic and NEVER happens. When it does. Because everyone is different in their sexualities and their experiences in it. There’s been a lot of people who identity as straight jt have experimented or been interested in one person of the same sex. If it happens in real life, then no surprise it’ll be in stories too

    Lael June 2, 2021 9:55 pm

    I don’t know why people are usually frowning upon the idea and common BL trope of a straight man falling in love with another man, and still thinking of himself as a straight guy.
    I’m a straight woman, I don’t even consider myself as bi, but several years ago, once in my whole life, I was in love and going out with a girl. Never happened before and since that one time, and I’m not even turned on by girls, but she was an exception, I loved her for being her, I fell in love with her personality, and I was turned on by her, but by her only.
    Love and sexuality is so much more divergent than the majority of people thinks. You simply can’t label it.

    amskyy June 3, 2021 12:12 pm
    I think people need to accept sexuality is a spectrum and is different for everyone. I’m a lesbian. And I have been with a woman that’s identified as straight and still does. I wouldn’t forget the label b... biscuits

    I do understand that sexuality is a spectrum and that there are different and wide arrays of experiences in each being but there is still a need to acknowledge and represent those within the LGBTQ+ and the integral part of identities within it which many mangas lack and whereas "straight" seems like a default setting. But, I agree with you, it's my mistake and fault for assuming someone's sexuality, I shouldn't have done that, it is up to the person themselves to know what they identify as, I'm really sorry about that. I reiterate that the two key points in my previous comment are the issues that arise in the abundance of 'just' portraying "straight x gay" in stories such as (1) the thought of being able to 'easily' change/turn one's sexuality, and (2) the erasure of bisexuality/pansexuality and many other LGBTQ+ identities. I just can't help but feel comfort or a sense of belonging when identities under the LGBTQ+ is actually acknowledged.

    Maritza July 29, 2023 7:05 am
    I don’t know why people are usually frowning upon the idea and common BL trope of a straight man falling in love with another man, and still thinking of himself as a straight guy. I’m a straight woman, I do... Lael

    Yes!! I don't know why they always come on with the "their bi but they don't accept it" like I really believe that you can be straight and fqll in love with same sex person, for example im a women and I'm straight but I can fall in love with a girl is like I don't like women I like YOU,

    KITTY September 28, 2023 5:04 am
    Yes!! I don't know why they always come on with the "their bi but they don't accept it" like I really believe that you can be straight and fqll in love with same sex person, for example im a women and I'm strai... Maritza

    It's because straight literally means being attracted to the opposite gender. If you think I can fall in love with a women even if I'm straight would be wrong. That's why we have labels to help people. It's like saying I truly believe a gay guy can fall in love with the opposite gender. That kinda invalidates their sexuality. Exploring your sexuality is one thing. I also don't like the straight x gay tropes. It feels like their invalidating bi or Pan people who exist.