I'm really fucking trying people.

Queeny33 May 26, 2021 8:02 pm

ML is a fucking clown. Like I wanna like him...I really am fucking trying cause I know they're gonna be together but how dense can you fucking be? The first time you woke up in your wife's body you are surrounded by a multitude of pills like fucking protein bottles in Costco bulk pills and bottles of wine on the floor. Red flag number one. Then the next time you switch bodies you wake up by the ocean shore by a fucking pistol. Like bitch, what the fuck are you doing? The old woman said she heard gunfire and picked up the fucking gun! How can you not put that shit together motherfucker???? I know he's been through some shit but as he is noticing so has she, since she's been married she's been fucking miserable and through all of it she has stayed by his side and trying to make shit work. Hell, she was willing to take her life multiple times for his sake! Now that right there I call some bullshit. Bruh if I were in that story the number of brawls that would have gone down my reputation would have been dragged through the mud...ISTG I'd have to be a knight or mercenary in the fights I would get into over this girl. She deserves better than these emotionally incompetent fucks. ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
