Fight you, you say... (not good english srry)
To "why using/drawing human form"?
Hm... she is the mc, not the bird?... (a human, not an animal #nooffense)
If the creator wouldn't draw her in her human form, we would just think "it's an intelligent bird" instead of "a human became a bird"...
-"- , I think we would forgot her (human) appearance, her origin.
Hmmm... feelings. You can't draw feelings on an animal's face, I mean it wouldn't be as natural as a human-face with feelings. (I know, don't attack me, they have feelings too, but not everyone can see, feel them. Its more natural with a human-face...) I read your comment, but I had to place it here.
I still don't know how she keep her country in first place... but it's a must need for this webtoon, so why complain? It's her (almost) only reason to live (yesyesiknowdonthavetosay)
I'm over. I wouldn't dislike you, but you asket to fight you... never miss a chance like this (⌒▽⌒) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I mean, yeah, if it's name is "falcon", she must be in her falcon form... but I had to state these. Sorry if I misunderstood something ( ̄∇ ̄")

Ah.. so because some of her family members treated her like shit, it automatically means everyone on the country deserves to die?
Great analogy
However, I do agree with you on disliking the switch play they have with her image turning into a human in the most randomest of moments with weird angles. (▰˘◡˘▰)

i dont think we would forget that she is in actuality a human because her wanting to turn back human is pretty much part of the plot? also there are flashbacks where we can see her human form. cartoons like loonie toon or ones from disney can make expressions with their animal characters by making their eyes bigger as an example. you can see the artist already doing that in the manhwa already. i see her patriotic actions nonsensical since theres no reason for her to like her country. sure the common folk are innocent but shes almost been killed numerous times in the palace by her family. im pretty sure thats enough of a reason to hold a grudge.

Alright lets begin the fight then.
To start, her being seen in human form while she is a bird isn't just done for ease in expressing emotion--as cartoon creatures have been known to do that effectively--but for two reasons: In her mind she is a human, not a bird, and thats how she sees herself. Considering this manga is primarily in first person of her point of view, how she sees herself is how she would be depicted. I'm sure the worms she ate didn't look that rancid, but because thats how she saw them, thats how they were depicted. So it was an artistic choice to have us see her mentality. This moves on to my next point... The only way we can truly relate to her uncomfortable positions at times it to see it as she sees it. The knight tying a message to her leg? In bird form it would appear normal, but with her in human form we can see the peculiarity of the situation. Same with her eating habits. We may be able to mentally understand but it takes seeing it to make us truly relate.
Yes we can see a bird be happy or sad, but these emotions are so much better conveyed if we can see where she is right now and for us seeing a bird in these situations is normal, which doesn't inspire the same feelings of 'this is odd' that seeing her human form--even though she is a bird--does. As such, we experience her 'this is odd' feelings that she has by being a human mind in a bird body. Yes, it is awkward for us to see it like this. BUT THATS THE POINT. It SHOULD be hecking awkward to be turned into a bird and thats what happened to her. It's a good story telling device and as much as I cannot believe how invested I am in a carrier pigeon story I applaud it.
Also royal family does not equal country. Many coups occurred in history because people wanted what was best for their country but didn't agree/liked their family who currently ruled. Just because she doesn't like them doesn't mean she wants to see the country she loves break because the people they need to lead them are dead. Being royalty is a job. And homegirl doing it.

well here i go ig. i dont think her being in her human form needs to convey that shes uncomfortable. that can easily be depicted through body language. besides wouldnt it make more sense to have a "white space" where she is residing in to symbolize her mind and what shes thinking about. just having a human be replaced physically in the real world where her food also changes and her clothes also do is weird. the former choice would be a more symbolic choice instead. also being royalty isnt a job... its a societal/familial status and while it can lead you to being a noble governing their land its not guaranteed. for one i dont know the character so i cant guarantee that what she thinks abt the country aligns with my own but she doesnt know the common folk? shes just inept to being a good leader because she enjoys it and helping people. however, her family has tried to kill her countless times and shes living on the edge pretty much everyday. if *I* was her i would hold a grudge and run away, i mean im just a bird what could i even do?? her patriotism has no reason behind it other than her liking to help people which isnt very solid.
its weird how the artist has to mix showing the mcs human form as her bird form to show emotion?? its disorientating and honestly i would prefer it if its just her bird form since it can be exaggerated for expressions. also her trying to save her country is fucking weird considering how shitty she was treated by her own family and how many times she almost died. the premise is interesting but the execution is so-so.