It's already illegal as it is. I read the official and was curious if it was already here. Sadly, it was. All we're saying is that the uploaded chapters could've at least been a day after the official release as to give the author a chance to make money. It's not even about taking down the release itself. Cry.
the point flew over your head. "you people can just idk read on lezhin where it belongs". I'm going to make the assumption you don't read anything on this site (or any illegal site for that matter) because they don't belong on illegal sites. Every single man(hwa/ga/hua) on this site does NOT belong on here so you having an account on here is absolutely pointless and contradicts your point. what part of i bought chapters on there did you not get? i buy chapters for manhwa's i'm not even reading (if they give bonus coins for it bc i'm not spending my own money on something i'm not reading). If i've already read a chapter i still buy it when i can (depends on when i get paid) to support the author/artist...BUT I'm not going act like some saint just bc of it. "Some of us have decency to respect the author and not read here" That actually made me laugh. I guarantee you that the author will NOT respect you or view you as a decent person just bc you waited a month to read illegally. They do not care when you read illegally and it is all the same to them. Once again if you truly respect authors/artists, you wouldn't have an account for mangago (or any illegal site) at all.
it never ceases to amaze me how y'all are on an illegal site and try to play to take the moral high ground. You're on an illegal site, reading illegally and complaining about it.
Before you try to come at me I've bought 4 chapters of this manhwa on lezhin. Even if i've already read a chapter on here, if i can, i support the author. Some of y'all are just acting ridiculous though.