I think she deserves it. Dylan is just a tool to her so n everything should go her way

Akako May 26, 2021 1:43 pm

I think she deserves it. Dylan is just a tool to her so n everything should go her way

    FoxMox May 26, 2021 2:06 pm

    Girl he literally was the only person she trusted on earth and she literally made him the king, she deserves what she was promised not to be betrayed just because mr dumbass couldn’t figure how to “love”

    Akako May 26, 2021 3:50 pm

    she only made him the king so she could excecute the current emperor, why should someone who turned a child into a blood thirsty tyrant get everything handed to them? If everything went her way that wouldn’t make sense because nothing goes as planned. He deserves to be selfish also.