Derpsy May 26, 2021 12:06 pm

I hate the male lead so much! He is so toxic, thinking that he is doing what is best for Violet when he is just constantly hurting her. She tried to kill herself TWICE! He never lets her speak, ignores her, and is always trying to one-up her in the misery department. "Oh, you're just a princess, do you know what I've been through?" And him constantly asking her for the money back that he spent on her, making her feel fucking terrible.

Also, when he is like "I know everything about you" or "I've lived with her for three years, I know more about her than you" BITCH YOU DON"T KNOW A GOD DAMN THING! Ugh. I hate him so much. I hate that this relationship is going to be redeemed. I hate that he can't even see that the person he supposedly loves is being abused by those around her and HIMSELF. Poor Violet/

How did he not realize she tried to kill herself either? A room full of wine bottles and pills all over the floor? And then a gun? Like, how fucking stupid are you? How come he never tries to listen to her either? Especially, when she came to the party and BEGGED him to talk to her. She literally looked like death but he couldn't see it. So much for loving her.

I also hate the brother, mother, and in-laws. Is every person in this world out to fuck her over???? How could her OWN brother take advantage of her like that? Stealing all of her precious money and even the dresses that the man sent to her. What fucking scum.

I'm mad that this relationship is going to be saved.

    effa May 26, 2021 3:50 pm

    same. just lock him and his parents and her brother in a chest, throw away the key and yeet it into the ocean.

    Derpsy May 26, 2021 7:47 pm
    same. just lock him and his parents and her brother in a chest, throw away the key and yeet it into the ocean. effa

    sounds good to me