
Marie May 26, 2021 8:38 am

Broo stop being such a creep
Suha's gonna run away for real at this point

    ZelAn May 26, 2021 8:48 am

    Knowing Suha, he’s too nice and wouldn’t run away, especially because Suha loves ML. Creep is indeed a better word than crazy/psycho since the ML is indeed acting like a creep here.

    Suha will be hurt when he finds out ML had his phone all along. Honestly if I was Suha, I would definitely understand it’s his trauma that caused this but I wouldn’t miss a chance to smack the shit out of ML cause ML obviously needs a smack or more.

    Yes yes violence isn’t the answer so the other option for ML is therapy. Oh and get rid of the red tampon please..