As a novel reader, I sweat profusely whenever I see that friggin Anna doctor together with...

Hana May 26, 2021 8:11 am

As a novel reader, I sweat profusely whenever I see that friggin Anna doctor together with that butthole Philip Can't wait to see more Damien tho!!

    Moon01234 May 26, 2021 8:23 am

    Agreed. I skipped those parts because I can't stand the doctor.

    But the fox scene!! It's just as cute as I imagined. We are also coming to my favorite arc with the silent tea party

    Hana May 26, 2021 8:25 am
    Agreed. I skipped those parts because I can't stand the doctor. But the fox scene!! It's just as cute as I imagined. We are also coming to my favorite arc with the silent tea party Moon01234

    YES YES YES!!! That's exactly what I've been waiting for!!

    Lihua May 26, 2021 10:22 am
    Agreed. I skipped those parts because I can't stand the doctor. But the fox scene!! It's just as cute as I imagined. We are also coming to my favorite arc with the silent tea party Moon01234

    Same. I also skipped the parts with the doctor.

    Phr31 May 26, 2021 11:00 pm
    Agreed. I skipped those parts because I can't stand the doctor. But the fox scene!! It's just as cute as I imagined. We are also coming to my favorite arc with the silent tea party Moon01234
