Idk dude. At this point I just don't like either. I want to trust Cain cuz he hasn't done something inadvertantly hurtful to jooin, but he's too sus and I can't. And yahwi, I like him I really do and I want to be on his side, but he's too cold to jooin. I know about all his withdrawal from people, doesn't know how to express himself etc, I hope he does better. But at this point I can't trust either of them. Cuz someway or the other they are or have hurt Jooin. So I'm just gonna sit and watch by jooin cuz that fluffy lil thing deserves to be told the truth number one by both of them, whether it's past life , I know korean or I like you, pr whatever. Just communicate with him. He's so brave and he communicated well enough why can't the both of you do. Ugh

I know where you’re coming from but the time Cain was doing all that he didn’t do it to make joon fall for him or like him
He did most of these things out of loyalty because he wanted to be back with his „master“ Cain just recently realized that he had a more deeper feeling for joon so your point are indeed valid but Cain just wanted joon to let’s say “take him (back) in”
And of course he acts all dumb and innocent and acts like he can’t speak correct Korean I mean how can he expand to joon that he’s his dog from the past???? So he decided to take The role of a foreigner (since he looks like it’s anyways)

i'm half with you, it's obvious that Cain seems to have a big personality disorder and try to act all good in face of Jooin, he's in love, so I
don't see any problem in the way he's acting now..
Unless he starts being abusive, but for now he's still a good boy and have nothing to be reproached (unlike Yahwi)
But yes, the story isn't at his end ! :)

Exactly, that’s what I mean when I say that he’s being manipulative and underhanded, but without bad intentions. It’s clear that his reasonings for doing what he’s doing aren’t negative, but if we’re arguing about who Jooin should pursue a romantic relationship with, Cain isn’t being genuine about who he is, how he acts, what his personality is like, or anything. The only genuine thing he’s showing is how much he likes Jooin, but I can’t sit with the fact that Jooin is falling for a caricature of perfect person, and someone that isn’t being themselves, no matter what the reasoning is.

I’d be chill with all that if we weren’t talking about Jooin developing a serious relationship with Cain. I am a strong believer that Yahwi isn’t as bad as he’s perceived to be, and he is too socially and emotionally stunted due to his upbringing to comprehend why Jooin’s mad at him. But we can see that he holds Jooin and their past relationship as kids close to his heart. Cain basically appeared, is tearing down the intricacy of that relationship by pretending to be perfect and innocent, and Jooin is now falling for someone that isn’t being genuine in how he acts, or talks, or behaves, or anything. He’s only genuine in the fact that he’s devoted to Jooin, but Jooin has no clue why or even who he is. I can’t comfortably ship them unless he starts acting truthfully, and I can’t ship Jooin with Yahwi unless they have a mature dialogue about all their thoughts and feelings.
Cain is sweet but fake
Am I the only one that feels like Cain is actually being very manipulative and underhanded, but without any bad intentions? I wasn’t sure if I was just imagining it or if it was just a continuity error, but it was moments where he would speak in this cutesy broken English (Korean), but when he’s upset and not trying to come off as adorable and perfect (like in his argument with Yahwi), his grammar and phrasing were perfect, like he’s actually fluent in Korean, like he lied to offer an excuse to why he’d need to stay with Jooin, and to make himself look like the dumb innocent puppy character, when that’s not actually who he is. Moments where he’d get called out on his weird behavior, but he’d act all cute and confused, and pretend like he has no clue what’s being said. It could just be his personality of trying to be as likable as possible, but there was also that time in the character Q&A where he’d change all of his answers to make himself sound perfect and perfectly orient himself to Jooin’s interests. I’m pretty positive that he definitely tried to move into the most horrible broke-down sketchy apartment he could find, with the sole intention of guilt-tripping (or making himself pitiful enough), Jooin into taking him in. I get trying to be appealing to the person you like, but when he puts on an innocent facade when he’s with Jooin, but has a complete character shift in his intentions, the way he talks, acts, perceives, etc. whenever Jooin isn’t watching, it makes it seem like he’s being super underhanded and manipulative to Jooin’s feelings and perceptions of who he is, which is unfortunately an abuser tactic. Like him trying to be cute around Jooin would be fine if it didn’t feel like the Cain we see isn’t genuine at all, and the real Cain isn’t the one that Jooin is falling for.
I also have a whole thing for Yahwi, but it’s too long to upload. So imma just say that Yahwi isn’t truly a dick, he’s just hurt and confused and doesn’t know how to human correctly.