So recently, I'm thinking of buying an guitar electric. Actually I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but I only got the money now. The problem is, I don't have any knowledge about music like literally 0%! Do u think I can play the guitar well? Since I don't enter any music classes and all because I've got no money.
What about starting searching up tutorials on YouTube? You could also print some chords sheet online And also download some apps thatll help. You don't need money to learn how to play the guitar. With much determination I believe that you can do it!!! Good luck!!
What about starting searching up tutorials on YouTube? You could also print some chords sheet online And also download some apps thatll help. You don't need money to learn how to play the guitar. With much dete... Yamete Oniichan˖⋆࿐
I'm working on it. It's hard since I don't have anyone that I can refer to. But I'll work harder, no matter what. since I've wanted to play guitar for a long time now. Btw, thank you so much!! It's really bring up my spirit!! ( ◜‿◝ )♡
So recently, I'm thinking of buying an guitar electric. Actually I've wanted to buy it for a long time, but I only got the money now. The problem is, I don't have any knowledge about music like literally 0%! Do u think I can play the guitar well? Since I don't enter any music classes and all because I've got no money.