I finished the prequel novel and found out it was part of a series with a manwha so read t...

Anon May 26, 2021 6:27 am

I finished the prequel novel and found out it was part of a series with a manwha so read the first 2-3 chapters...I'm confused though in the prequel no one was kidnapped as kids? I guess they must of changed some plot things? Is the manwha good? Otherwise might drop because I'm attached to the prequel story and don't think I'm going to like these changes to their past;;;

    Ella July 14, 2021 12:25 am

    I was confused too! I think they really changed some plot in the manhua because in the prequel they part their ways because ming shu need to "catch up" on xiao yu'an and xiao yu'an said that he will now chase ming shu because ming shu chased him all through his life