not fan of looss uke

reirei June 12, 2016 2:56 pm

definitely not a fan of a very loose ukeuke. shitshit. sleeping around. tho the story is quite good I will never not mind that the other party or whichever character is a slut

    Anon October 28, 2016 4:53 am

    Yeah, he slept around BUT, he wasn't in a dedicated relationship or cheating so you have no right to criticize him. I know it seems wrong/awful of him to sleep around but, he was just seeking comfort. Does sleeping with a person when you are not in a relationship (it doesn't matter what your intentions are) make you a slut who deserves to be hated?

    Kanna December 14, 2016 3:48 pm

    Not a fan of people who choose to slut shame other for what they do in their private lives with consenting parties....

    reirei December 14, 2016 4:33 pm

    I'm really sorry if I offended you guys but I just cannot take it. I may be an old fashion person but to know that the person you devoted yourself to sleeps around with other whatever reason they might have, the feeling in regards that matter is beyond words I can say.

    Keylime Pie December 29, 2016 1:36 pm

    Slut shaming is terrible. You havent lived any life but yours so you can't possibly understand why some people live the way they do. Their lives are just as important and special. I've been in a faithful relationship longer than some readers have been alive (16 years), but sluts still hold a special place in my heart

    cleganebowl December 29, 2016 2:05 pm
    I'm really sorry if I offended you guys but I just cannot take it. I may be an old fashion person but to know that the person you devoted yourself to sleeps around with other whatever reason they might have, th... reirei

    I agree with you, I can't read this sort stories, they have the right to do what they want with their bodies, it's just me that can't bear reading of them sleeping around

    reirei December 29, 2016 2:11 pm
    I agree with you, I can't read this sort stories, they have the right to do what they want with their bodies, it's just me that can't bear reading of them sleeping around cleganebowl

    I'm glad someone understands me. Thank you.

    cleganebowl December 29, 2016 2:19 pm
    I'm glad someone understands me. Thank you. reirei

    thank to you, I thought I was the one to think taht way xD

    Yay panda! January 9, 2017 6:53 am

    What bothers me about your comment is not that you dislike stories about people sleeping around, because that's totally personal preference. What bothers me is that you specifically call out "loose ukes." So it's fine for semes to have multiple sexual partners? I think this is problematic because it equates to holding individuals who assume the "female" sexual role to a different standard. This is the 21st century. Both partners in a relationship should face the same sexual expectations, whether sexually liberated or sexually conservative depending on your preference. Criticizing "loose ukes" is the type of patriarchal gender-norming that is not appropriate in a positive and inclusive yaoi fandom.

    aerslevdi March 17, 2017 10:18 pm
    I'm really sorry if I offended you guys but I just cannot take it. I may be an old fashion person but to know that the person you devoted yourself to sleeps around with other whatever reason they might have, th... reirei

    I don't know if you understood the manga so just in case I'll explain it to you and @nemu-nemu. Then if you are still saying the same I'll just give up on you two.
    There was no cheating. The semester decided himself to devote himself to the Ike. It was completely one-sided and he knew it. He even says he's the one dragging the Ike around when they are outside of school.
    In fact the Ike is anything but a cheater. He makes their relationship very clear. Only sex and only within the school boundaries.
    Your traditional values here have nothing to do with the story. In fact, I think the blind you to see the actual story and in doing so you are missing facts that makes you have an ignorant opinion.

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 6:45 pm
    What bothers me about your comment is not that you dislike stories about people sleeping around, because that's totally personal preference. What bothers me is that you specifically call out "loose ukes." So it... Yay panda!

    YES! You wrote the exact thing that bothered me about the comment. It's always the ukes that gets it.

    But I am also irritated about the slutshaming as well. Like it's ok for the OP not to like it but why'd the OP have to judge others for it tho.

    OP might not be a slut. Still doesn't make OP a better person than a slut. Probably worse.

    Mameiha November 23, 2018 4:01 am

    I don't think you need another reader to blast you for slut shaming. So, I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to tell you a little story. A story about a young girl who was SUCH a slut.... me. I was raised in a home where even familial love was denied me. My mother made it perfectly clear to me when I was 10 that she wished I had never been born. My father bailed long before I was born and my step-father like to "rent me out" to his nephew when I was 6 until I was 10. So, needless to say, I craved love and attention. I, like many other young people, assumed that sex=love. That led to me giving my first blowjob at age 12. I would have sex with anyone who showed me attention. I mean, I was pretty desperate for a little love. By age 15, I was working in the adult entertainment industry. Yes, underage. I lived that life considering myself a pretty happy and content person. I got "love" and attention and my partners had sex. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy sex immensely, but the love and attention was my ultimate goal. When I was 24 and mother to 2 sons already - sex has consequences after all - I met a man who said he loved me. Well, they all had said that, hadn't they? Yet, they all were no where to be found now, Right? I was pretty jaded at this point because I learned long ago that sex =/= love at all. Sex is its own separate entity and is simply an act that is commonly used to express love, but love is not required for sex. Trust me on that, I would definitely know. So, I meet this man and he says he loves me. I don't believe a word. The sweetest words are often lies. That was 23 years ago. He and I have been married, quite happily, for that entire time. The only person I want to have sex with is my husband. Sex where there is mutual love is the best, after all. We have raised three sons into happy, healthy men who now have their own families. And I can honestly say that I am one of the happiest, most content, most blessed women on the planet.

    So, why did I tell you all this? It's not a sob story, I don't want or need your sympathy. I'm not proud of my past, but I'm not ashamed of it either. So, I'm not bragging. I told you because I want you to understand that we, you and I, regardless of our moral differences, are both human. I may have been a slut, but that doesn't make me less human, less of a good person, or less deserving of respect than any other human on the planet. We sluts, we have our reasons for being the way we are. Even if we are too proud to admit it. Personally, I have no "pride". There are things that I'm proud of, but I have no "pride". It gets in the way of being honest with yourself and others. Thanks to that, I can tell you my story. Just remember, even if you "think" you're better than someone else, for whatever reason, morally, financially, socially, you are still just a human. Just like them. You bleed, you eat, you shit, and one day, you both will die. So, ultimately, no one is really any better than anyone else. We all just want to be loved and accepted by others and by ourselves. How we go about achieving that is our own personal path.

    Mizuki May 20, 2019 8:56 pm
    I don't think you need another reader to blast you for slut shaming. So, I'm not going to do that. Instead, I'm going to tell you a little story. A story about a young girl who was SUCH a slut.... me. I was rai... Mameiha

    i honestly respect that.

    pokemon August 5, 2019 11:50 pm

    i hate ukes that are sluts but people in comment look like they are sluts too since they defend him so much smh

    Rozichi January 13, 2020 6:34 am
    i hate ukes that are sluts but people in comment look like they are sluts too since they defend him so much smh pokemon
