Spoilers ahead...
So... I just reread chapters. As other people mentioned, ML (or he and his twin) has different hairstyles every time. As a kid he has more bangs on his right side, then in Ch 2 more on the left, and in Ch 3 more on the right.
Also, idk if someone pointed it out, in Ch 2 he has ear studs or whatnot, in Ch 3 he doesn't.
The author sure wants to confuse us
Honestly I think the artist is just inconsistent LOL the ear studs dissapear from panel to panel and someone else mentions different eyelashes but that also changes from panel to panel. (When its the same person and they cant switch) its strange somethings up but also i cant tell whats on purpose and whats an accident like the ear studs magically appearing out of nowhere then being in 2 panels then dissapearing again
Because ML had white eyelashes when he was a kid and then black when he was an adult at the ball, but in the latest chapter he has different eyelashes in frames what are next to each other, so idek anymore lol