
We have two chapters of helenas backstory and people are already complaining talking about they don’t care but go onto say “yeah but what did she do to help Eris” maybe we would KNOW if yall weren’t giving complaints left and right. So obsessed with hating someone that you’d let it impact the lore of the story
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with some of y'all still shitting on her after her backstory has been revealed. there are two things at play here that i want to address that i feel like most of the people reading this can relate to yet some of u still go out of your way to argue against these things.
first the socioeconomic status. this girl is a maid y'all, her status is way below the prince's and eris'. as much as I love the current Eris and i feel for past-Eris' struggles, she has anything and everything she wants. not a worry about bills, housing, food, basic necessities. Helena has absolutely no status to refuse a prince or the prince's fiancee in any given situation, she is practically a glorified slave to the prince's whims. if she speaks out of line or does smth her whole family could be just chopped up. most of u are closer in socioeconomic status to her than Eris, how are u relating more to the rich girl being sad about not getting attention than the working class being abused lmao not to mention the pressure from her family because of their shit socioeconomic status. what do y'all expect her to do seriously? put her family and herself in danger like that? and for what? so the rich kid (Eris) can have the one thing in her life she possibly cant? even though that's just not how people work and the prince has his own conscious and can make decisions on his own?
which brings me to my second point which is the misogynistic implications of Helena being the baddy bc the prince's attention is on her instead of Eris. y'all seriously fighting over a dude and making a random girl who has no control over the situation into the bad person..? let me emphasize this: for a dude...??? how are u Helena haters not holding the prince accountable lmao maybe he has a sob backstory or whatever, but just like past-Eris (who also has a sob backstory but she was also abusing her power) he should be held accountable for fucking with people who cannot fight back. Eris can't fight back against the prince bc he is higher in status and she is a woman, and Helena can't fight back bc she is a maid and a commoner and also a woman. even if he thinks he is extending kindness to her he is just making her life a living hell with her coworkers and everyone around her. regardless if it's just stupid naivety on his part or whatever, my guy is kind of the real villain here but y'all be so quick to put the women against each other.
if anything the fact that Helena was quick to forgive past-Eris for tormenting her so fucking much (physical and mental abuse people what the fuck) makes her a goddamn angel. because Eris couldn't extend the same courtesy to Helena even though it was expressed in this chapter that past-Eris was very well aware that Helena couldn't do shit about her situation.
some food for thought. i understand it's easier to sympathize with Eris because she is the main character but understand the difference between past-Eris and current Eris. and obviously the situation would be quite different if Helena abused the attention she received but that's literally not the case. maybe examine that internalized misogyny some of u got going on and ready your pitchforks for the prince bc fool really be far up his ass. not saying Helena is perfect or past-Eris is hella bad as well. it's just instead of doing something more productive with her time she chose to torment the little people for her suffering which is what most rich people higher in status tend to do and that's disgusting sorry but not sorry to say this. not everything is black and white and maybe couple chapters from now the prince's sob story will be revealed and we will all feel bad but it still won't excuse his actions a bit. he did what he did, he should be held accountable just like past-Eris. and as things stand rn the prince is a brat and we should unite to take him down
thanks for coming to my ted talk, sorry for any misspellings