it's Helana fault she abuse though! what wrong in being kind?! is it some sort of crime?!! I really don't get you people. what you mean by something so simple?!! she was a young girl! why the hell she needs to guess someone else feelings and dumb jealousy?! it isn't her duty to know and if I was Helana I won't even care! abuse she did to Helana is still wrong and horrible!

Bruh, genius question, why do you think she can do anything when they show time and time again they like to throw their privilege around to put her in uncomfortable situations despite knowing better (aka the knight who confessed to her while the prince was watching) the only one who hasn’t so far is the priest. I don’t really care if u don’t like her, but the fact that you’re blaming her based on the men’s actions are weird

No. First calm down. It's not wrong to be kind but there's a boundary. She need to understand when to put her kindness and when not. Well at least that's what I thought. Second, she hate it that she's abuse by previous Eris so she need to care and understand and search for the root why Eris did that. Once she find the reason she can counter it or avoid it so she will not getting abuse again and so that she can become strong. We read her story and we understood her hardship. But what I saw... She still didn't show any effort to move or change and that's frustrating.

“She can speak literally anything to that trash prince yet why she didn't? Because "an order"? Don't give me that excuse. “ I don’t know why you expect her to speak up when not even the king himself can control the prince behavior towards Eris and that’s the KING. Do you not understand the power imbalance ? And that she can’t speak up bc she’s a commoner? This isn’t the typical story in which FL asks ML to stop and ML becomes a goody goody for FL. The fact that he can treat Eris, a daughter of a Duke who’s powerful among the factions of nobles, this way and be consequence free ... what makes you think Helena can do anything in the face of such ignorance and obvious power? His actions are his own, and his to blame solely

I don't get where you going with this, are you claiming that Helana should follow her abuser, yeas that women did abuse her, and find her reason for what?! she still powerless against her! what will that change since she will keep abuse Helana no matter what she will do anyway?! where can she move?! where can she change?!! she is literally stack against people that abuse her and have more power over her at any given time!
to what she needs to change into in that horrible place she is in!?!
I say this again it's not Helana fault other people are assholes and abuse her!!! it's not!

"She hates that she was abused by the pervious Eris so she should find a way to avoid being abused" do u know how stupid you sound? A kid can get abused for just breathing so should they kill themselves? Helena didn't do anything wrong, she is a victim she has every right to hate or forgive Eris. Eris was the one that was jealous of Helena, Helena didn't do shit she was just living comfortably, "she didn't show any effort to move or change ." oh so she should pretend to be someone she's not? Even if she made an effort to leave the crown prince, he's so obsessed with her that he would legit track her down and bring her back. Helena is not Trashta, she's not all those other girls who pretend to be nice, Helena is a victim who shows her true personality and doesn't pretend. You are legit blaming all the crown prince's actions on Helena like what is wrong with you?

Hmmmm... Why you guys are so agitated? I'm here try to understand her and explain why I don't understand and hate her. I never said to follow her abuser. I didn't blame her too though? What that crown prince do are just disgusting and that's his own fault not Helena. I never say it's her fault. And I understand that people around her have power more than her. What I mean by show some effort is, at least try to get angry at someone. At least once. Then, I can sympathy I guess? You know, like that blond heroine in "Beware of Villainess". Just one time, I wish she get upset for her own sake. Well, I still hate a super duper kind person after all. I hate it more those idiot guys that keep bothering Helena. Either way, you will still find fault in what I say because you can't accept the fact that I hate her.
Btw, hshshshshs I read that Remarried Empress too.

"Get upset for her own sake" u do know that some people don't know how to do that right? I don't give two fucks if u hate her but what makes me mad isn't the fact that you hate her but the fact that you said "She should change herself so she doesn't get abused" like should a kid kill themselves because their abuser doesn't want them to live? and she should learn how to be angry? umm u do know she's a mere maid right? she can legit get herself killed for getting angry sooo

Ohhhh... I didn't know that some people don't know how to get upset for their sake. I guess there's a lot more about people and world that I don't know about. Thanks for telling me this. And yeah I always relate a historical story to this modern world of us that I keep forgot a single word from a mere maid back then could get them killed. Oho silly me. I admit I'm wrong at that part

And, can you guys just not get so heated please like, I know everyone has their own opinions n shit but dude no need to personally attack each other over what the other thinks, if u didn’t like the comment and wanted to correct it then sure, do that and keep scrolling u didn’t have to beat each other up over this. damnnn leave up to say what we want, I understand ur point of view but I’m not gonna change mine for it
But I still hate Helena... That white hair girl.. I still hate her. Why is it? Is it because she's too kind? Or is it because she can't even say anything when she can? I mean... She don't understand why Eris hate her? Why she can't understand something simple? She can speak literally anything to that trash prince yet why she didn't? Because "an order"? Don't give me that excuse. That girl can just get mad her fishes and point out their wrong doing why she didn't do it? Ahh wait.. is it because all those stink fishes won't even bother to listen to her?