According to the god's rules, you can't kill INNOCENT people. But then these 5 students are known to be possessed by devils we should thanks uruma for taking out the devil inside of the 4 students, But what kind of devil kyou possessed? These 5 students not even a innocent?! Sexual Harassment, Kidnapping, Killing Intent, Cyber Bullying, Etc. They didn't have any regrets for that! FUCK THOSE PEOPLE LIKE THAT WAHHHHHHH! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
Fr like how the police gonna claim that he's doing a bad thing when those sick fucks raped, bullied, beat, and harassed many people then got away with it
According to the god's rules, you can't kill INNOCENT people. But then these 5 students are known to be possessed by devils we should thanks uruma for taking out the devil inside of the 4 students, But what kind of devil kyou possessed? These 5 students not even
a innocent?! Sexual Harassment, Kidnapping, Killing Intent, Cyber Bullying, Etc. They didn't have any regrets for that! FUCK THOSE PEOPLE LIKE THAT WAHHHHHHH! (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻