Ok guys, lets talk.

Girlga May 25, 2021 12:22 pm

I understand with the internet being what it is, an open world where we are free to say whatever we want and be anonymous and free from consequences at the same time, sounds great right?

Let's remember what this story is about. It's a high schooler who struggles with suicide because he feels unseen and keeps getting bullied even when he is publicly being targeted and pusheda round.

I'm sure we have all been there, and none of us like being bullied. So the point of this long ass essay is to make you stop and think for a moment before you leave a nasty comment about what an uploader or translator has tried with their best intentions to do.

I've never done any of those things but I can still appreciate their work regardless of how good or bad it is, there is no need for me to be rude or mean to them. It's ok to give criticism, but there is a fine line between being rude and a bully and pushing someone to a limit. You really do not want to push them so much, it is something you have to think about before you submit any ugly comments to anyone for that matter.

Just think about it, be careful of what you leave behind, what you say could very much be the last thing that person sees and truly be the reason they no longer stay with us any more... Just be nice guys... Thats it...
