Because it explains why Chunwoo is so connected and involved with Taesoo. In order for the In Ho to get together with Chunwoo, Chunwoo needs to resolve his feelings for Taesoo. They’ve been through a lot together and it would make the story feel rushed if it’s like yeah they over main couple together. What’s there to have a story about if there’s not conflict, drama and conflict resolution ? In Ho is some random dude that just got friendly with Chunwoo whereas Chunwoo and Taesoo grew up together. Obviously I’m rooting for the MLs together but it’s going to take time (and conflict and communication) to get together.

yeah, i just finished reading the raws and now i understand it. i just got bothered on how there are so many seggz scenes between the two. and since i don't really like seeing the main leads having seggs with someone else other than his main seme/uke, i prefer it if the seggs scenes were only shown briefly, i can only endured that much. and of course there should be confilct and drama to spice things up. its just, some of us have our own preferences. and ure right, it needs time for them to sort things out. im not bothered of chun woo and taesoo relationship cuz its part of the plot. What im really bothered about is too much seggs scenes.
Bruh I don't even know if in-ho and chunwoo are the main character, how come taesoo have more scenes than
Know what.. I'm just gonna vouch for woojin LMAO, that's best man right there!