I think you missed the part where Helena having been raised by her mother and told to act like an idiot.. while also knowing you dont hang out with someone engaged... ignored that and was like "why does his fiance hate me?".. Because your prety and like a doll and dosile and follow his every comand and are ignorant to him mistreating his fiance yet being nice to you.. How can she both know it and yet not know it.. Its contradicting what her earlier memoris told us.

yeah that’s makes a lot of sense and i agree in that aspect but we still can’t blame her for everything when she really can’t go against the prince bc of hierarchy and everything rlly is the crown princes fault and as you said her mom has literally taught her how to act since she was young so of course she’s gonna be oblivious to how ppl feel when she’s only ever been around her mom who has literally held a knife up to her and is bat shit crazy

She knew that the mother wanted only to hurt face so she would not be in trouble. But she still hunged with imperial family. And she had at least 7! Or more years to change the situation! But she did nothing. She thinks only abt herself. She is upset bc you see those ppl are wary of her, bc she is doing nothing to prevent or at least not asking for help, while knowing that FL from the very little age tried so much harder than anyone, being all alone, fighting everyone, and still being abused and insulted. And she is upset bc FL only beated her toe? And acting like she does not know the reason, when her mother told her abt that stuff often. She, herself said "i would see my mother often saying such stuff with knife". But she did nooooothiiing. Yeah she can just act like idiot at home, but most of her time she is not at home. She is just useless girl, who wants everything without putting an effort and being upset and blubbering why her life is like that. She is not doing anything. She is ignorant, useless and a little coldhearted. What chould happen if she oppose to the prince and threaten him? Prince is crazy, but he would still follow her words if she said smth like i will never face you or nor love you for harshness and so on. But what, she is still doing nothing, going out with other MLs. I still hate her and will only forgive her when she tart doing something.

she was a literal child whose only source of love was from her mother so of course she’s going to act the way her mother wants her to so she will love her and eris “just” stepped on her toes? she also locked her in a closet for who knows long which caused her to have a fear of the dark and even if helena gets treated worse by others how does that excuse eris’s actions one bit? she was indeed a CHILD whose mind is not even fully developed let alone being able to change her situation? give an example of how a child could change their home situation especially in those times also who is she supposed to ask the so called help from? eris, who is bullying and hurting her? her mother, who put her in this situation? they also live in a society where hierarchy is very important and when has he listened to a single thing helena has said? he doesn’t hold love for her he holds possession for her. you sound so dumb with this whole paragraph you typed bc all i could get from it was that you like to victim blame. yes she’s naive but how does that excuse everyone else using, manipulating and abusing her mentally and physically i find it incredibly sad that instead of reading my comment and realising that she is indeed a victim you find the need to pin everything that’s wrong with this manhwa on her. i understand you sticking up for the new “eris” but the old eris doesnt deserve bc yes she had a hard life bc of the crown prince but not bc of helena and she had a loving father who would’ve loved her regardless but she wanted the attention of pos like the prince

i also think she should start being stronger for herself and others and of course i am not condoning the fact that she is like that with someone else’s fiancé but all i was saying is that at the end of the day she is not to blame for everything and i said that bc i saw a lot of comments still blaming her like if helena was a male character she would not be getting as much hate as she is and i’ve noticed that within the manhwa/ manga/ manhua/ anime community that even if a character is the exact same if they are a female she will always get treated worse

Dude Eris didnt chose to be the princes fiance.. it was chosen for her.. all her life she was tol to grow to love him and furfill her role. Even Helena states how much Eris worked and yet noone gave a damb and instead insulterd her for not know or working harder.. and yet we have Helena who just has to smile and she is comlimented by the prince and other men..
You say Helena dosnt know better because of how she was raised... Well Eris didnt know any better either, she was raised being told "that your huband, love him".. And no mater what she did she was looked down on by said future husband.. and then when she goes to see him.. there she finds Helena a doll like beauty commoner whom her fiance smiles at, gives atention and compliments for doing nothing..
You say Helena could do nothing..and cant go agaist the prince yet at the same time your saying Eris should have? How could Eris go against him?
True it was wrong of Eris to take her anger and stress out on Helena.. yet Helena is considerd "strong" for not having broken? But Eris literaly BROKE.
Then the fact the we are constently made to feel for weak poor Helena in one chapter.. but show she is strong and knows everything in the next chapter..
And that she was told from a young age "they will come to you for your beauty, so act dumb".. Where we see her able to tell child Eris is suffering yet cant understand why Child Eris hates her when all she does is get smiles and compliment and the atentionj from the prince... She literaly crontradicted her self.. And does so many times...
With the maids she days she does what shes told and acts dumb, yet we see her pull the head maid who was unished on her behalf aside to apoligise and explain she knows why she was in the wrong aka saying "i was just playing dumb, i catualy understand my position".. And that that definetly isnt teh first time she has pulled someone aside fo explain herself.. because she also does so with Eris.. so its easy to presume she did so with the first few maids punished in her stead.. And yet she cant understand why they dont like her..
Helena exuses her behavior by saying she is acting dumb, staying silent, staying neutral.. and yet literaly underminds her own hard work by saying "Oh im faking it, i hope you can forgive me".
Her behavior would be fine if she didnt aproach ppl to fix the damage she caused with her "Acting".. but she underminds her exuse for the act by aproaching ppl and saying she is acting.

You say victim blaming? Im hating both in prince and everyone, but also hating on Helena. Did you read it right? And wtf with sounding dumb? Is it your way to boost up your ego? Eris bullied her, but maximum she could do was beating her leg under table. Also, abt closet. I bet they found her very soon. Bc as you say prince is obsessed and ofc they found her so soo . And she is from that "traumatized". And , how do you know that father loved Eris??? With this kind of attitude of Eris and being abused by the prince where you see the least support from the father of Eris??? And again, you did not even read carefully. I said ..WHY SHE IS NOT LISTENING TO HER MOTHER'S WORDS! The mother said to be wary of imperial family and aristocrats but she is still hinging with them. Also, did you miss the number 7? There were so much time to make changes in their relationship with prince. But she is doing nothing. And yes then she were a child but after so much time passed and she grew not like she were forever a chold and now a girl of a marriageable age. Where is your logic and comprehension? You did not even read my comment right! AND! She is not naive. She herself tells that she just keeps acting ignorant thinking abt only herself and piting herself, while seeing other suffering so much, even tho they work so hard. And im not even talking abt "new" eris. And you say she wanted an attention after so much abuse? And you say bullying Helen. If eris trully bullied her so much, Helen would not have even get near Eris. Her only trauma is closet, at a time shen she were found so fast. I bet, the prince started looking her immediately, and they found her in closet when there was still a sun. You arguments does not defend her uselessness, ignorance, and selfishness at one point. All she do is "saying sorry". And you say manipulating? Her mother only say to smile and she herself said that at home the mother demand it. And she still has a freedom to go to eat sweeta and dating with other MLs without asking their help, while some of them being "childhood friends".So she could do smth and just smile at home. Or do smth. She saw how mother got knife bc Helen is beautiful and Helena knows that one of the way to be free is be ugly but idiotic .but whaaat, she is doing nooooothiiiiiiinnnnggg. And you are blaming me for victim blaming, whereas I hate everyone in the story
see i made a comment talking about how bad i felt for her bc eris should not have taken her sadness out on her and that its completely the crown princes fault bc it is and obviously she is a commoner as everyone has been saying so she literally cannot disobey his or the empress’s orders who basically see her as a doll and she has her batshit crazy mom as well and obviously ppl in power are going to be scary to ppl who don’t have any power like helena and i feel so bad for her. then i made another comment saying i take back what i said bc i saw the raws and she pulled a trashta by wearing the same dress as eris but y’all... now i’m like putting things into perspective and i’ve realised even if helena did do something like that why shouldn’t she? i mean she has every right to like ik the eris now is not the real eris but why are y’all hating on helena sm when she isn’t in the wrong? like she’s being toyed with by everyone like tf? like 1. the crown prince and the empress use their power to boss her around and treat her like a rag doll bc she IS a commoner and she’s learnt to be obedient from her crazy mom so how would she a commoner be able to go against the crown prince and empress who clearly don’t see her as a person. 2. eris who bully’s her bc the crown prince is horrible to eris but ‘nice’ to helena. like moral of the story don’t get mad at helena who is the most helpless and i do feel for eris and everything but if she weren’t the fl y’all would hate her sm and i think it’s crazy that helena is getting sm hate when all our hate would be completely directed at this dumbass prince bc if it weren’t for him eris wouldn’t have bullied helena and helena could just live a normal life as a maid and with the whole same dress situation that i saw in the raws i’m not going to say anything on it yet bc after all we don’t truly know what happened bc it is in the raws and not yet translated and we really don’t know what happened. also btw even tho helena has every right to hate eris she literally said she doesn’t hate eris and never would no matter what she would do in the future just bc she saw eris cry once when eris gave her a paralysing fear of the dark and physically hurt her since they were kids and ik that the eris now isn’t the ‘eris’ b4 but seriously yall? helena is just as much a victim as eris if not more but i do feel for eris and i see how hard that would have been but doesn’t mean it excuses what she did like damn it’s giving me the same vibe as the ppl that say they love akito from fruits baskets and they say ‘but she has trauma so that’s why she did everything