Haru is not a pedophile or in short pedo. The EXACT definition for pedophile is "a person ...

I'm an asshole June 11, 2016 9:03 am

Haru is not a pedophile or in short pedo. The EXACT definition for pedophile is "a person who is sexually attracted to children" and also "an adult who is sexually attracted to children" and "sexual preference toward prepubescent children" in which all of these says 'children' instead of child. And if you dare say that it means the same thing then let me just say you are dead wrong. Children meaning plural meaning more than one kid. As for child its singular as in one kid. So the only kid or prepubescent child haru was attracted is non other than ren. ONLY ren, thus making him NOT a pedo.

    jrpgaddicted June 12, 2016 4:44 am

    preaacchhh (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    New June 12, 2016 9:05 am

    ren is now 16 it is not a child age

    Anonymous June 12, 2016 11:39 am
    ren is now 16 it is not a child age New


    Lovenna June 12, 2016 11:16 pm

    R u crazy! So if someone raped one person, there's that mean they're not a rapist because it was only one person!
    You're the kind of person ghat gives yaoi lovers a bad rep. Disgusting.

    i'm an asshole June 13, 2016 11:19 pm
    R u crazy! So if someone raped one person, there's that mean they're not a rapist because it was only one person! You're the kind of person ghat gives yaoi lovers a bad rep. Disgusting. @Lovenna

    okay so this is what i found when i searched up the meaning and these are the exact words I have seen "the offense of forcing a person, especially a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against that person's will" and "one who commits the crime of rape" non of which says people nor victims. And just so you know the kind of "person" I am is not the kind in which gives "yaoi lovers" or the yaoi community a "bad rep", it's the people who accuses yaoi characters of being a said criminal. now THAT'S disgusting. accusing a character in which you want them to do more things to the said victim after calling them a rapist and a pedophile. my name clearly says "i'm an asshole" therefore i'm living up to my chosen name.

    Anonymous June 13, 2016 11:22 pm
    R u crazy! So if someone raped one person, there's that mean they're not a rapist because it was only one person! You're the kind of person ghat gives yaoi lovers a bad rep. Disgusting. @Lovenna

    okay so this is what i found when i searched up the meaning and these are the exact words I have seen "the offense of forcing a person, especially a woman, to submit to sexual intercourse against that person's will" and "one who commits the crime of rape" non of which says people nor victims. And just so you know the kind of "person" I am is not the kind in which gives "yaoi lovers" or the yaoi community a "bad rep", it's the people who accuses yaoi characters of being a said criminal. now THAT'S disgusting. accusing a character in which you want them to do more things to the said victim after calling them a rapist and a pedophile. my name clearly says "i'm an asshole" therefore i'm living up to my chosen name.

    Io June 16, 2016 6:55 am
    R u crazy! So if someone raped one person, there's that mean they're not a rapist because it was only one person! You're the kind of person ghat gives yaoi lovers a bad rep. Disgusting. @Lovenna

    I get what u mean but the way u said it was very rude... Its not disgusting... Soz but i was disgusted by the commnet u made here. Its just a freaking opinion. That doesnt hurt anyone. Unlike ur word "disgusting" ...