
I'm not going to lie it would be nice sometimes if the teachers wait to have sex with said student especially if they aren't seniors on their way out. I think that is the moral dilemma that anyone would have because of the age difference. I notice they try to make the teacher like 20+ so there won't be a huge age gap when it comes to high school teacher stories. The only ones I can't rock with are the one with a very huge age gap lol that is a whole pedo. But I absolutely get where your coming from fiction or not.
Do the people complaining about it being student x teacher know how stupid they sound? Like “oh look at me I’m completely fucking blind and apparently can’t read either here lemme come onto this space and bother all the ppl who can apparently read.” Like dude...IT SAYS RIGHT THERE. THE TITLE. THE COVER. THE FUCKING SUMMARY WHY ARE YOU READING THIS IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE ??? you are putting yourself in a situation you find uncomfortable on purpose is that not really illogical? I don’t like harada’s work or rape very much. So you know what I do? NOT READ IT. DUMBASS. I don’t click on a harada book and then complain that the mangaka was harada and therefore I don’t like it. I just don’t read it period be I know I’ll feel uncomfortable. Be better