BL’s with ML that’s actually remorseful?
Bl short stories are becoming reaalllly popular😩😩 so sad bc some are ...
so it's holi today and i realised it'd be nice to see holi (or smthg like i...
Manhwua name :(
Can someone recommend me a story where the mc gave up waiting or chasing th...
Anyone else’s mangago bugging..?
looking for anime/manga
doomed yuri recs pls. . .
so in this bl the main guy is an author and he died but got reicartnated and met this guy it his class and they started dating but then out of no where this guy beats him to death and he lets him and then his bf is like wtf and then like a week later hes perfectly fine living with this pedo weirdo and then another kid comes and like stabs a pen in his eye and kills him and his bf is still like why this bich keep dying and i think thats it pls let me know the name